Monday, July 19, 2010

Who causes problems in our Marriages?

This is just my soap box and my opinions, so I'm sorry if I offend anyone.

There are so many people who are having marriage problems right now. It breaks my heart and at the same time it's hard to explain to my children. We live in a society where everything is based on "emotions" and unfortunately our covient with God is broken because people just don't care.
John 10:10 says that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Believe us, Satan would like nothing better than to destroy your marriage. In fact, he'll even use you as a weapon.

Why? because if your marriage desolves, your children will be affected, your relationship with God will be affected, your witness will be affected, your community will be affected, and ultimately the church will be affected.

So how do you explain to your children that it's wrong and not ok to just walk away. I'm not saying that is the case if there is abuse. Sydney got my attention when she said that she would marry "R" first and then "T". I had to explain to my 5 yr old that we didn't do that. I wish people would realize that most marriages could be saved if they would just try and that they CAN be happy and "in love" with their spouse. It would make so many peoples lives different.

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