Trevor decided a couple of months ago that he wanted to participate in the Peanut Festival (a large Fair that last 10 days in Southeast Alabama) Calf Scramble. When he first told us, I really didn't think he was serious. As the time got closer he decided that he needed to "practice" and got a friend of the family to help him. I still had my doubts! We had never even been to watch the greasy pig or the calf scramble before so I had no idea exactly what to expect (I did watch videos of it online). We all went to watch and cheer Trevor on. There are 20 teenagers and 10 calves (they weight about 350 lbs). He started out doing exactly what he was told to do and got CRAZY!!!!! He was one of the first ones to get a calf and start the process of "taking" it down. And then ALL of the calves decided to run in his direction. Thankfully someone let him know to watch out and he was able to roll onto him stomach (all while this calf is still in his grasp/arms) about 4 calves and several people ran over him. Then his calf proceeds to head butt him and start stepping on him. He lost his grip and the calf took off running. He then had to get up and see if anyone was in trouble or about to loose their calf so he could be ready in get it when they let go. It seemed like a lifetime but was only about a minute and he sees one starting to get away. Several people are running toward it but thankfully he is very quick. And was able to get to it first and bulldog it. Once he had the halter on it and it was standing the calf would not move. Even the officials had to help out! Then.......the calf takes off running to the other end of the arena basically dragging Trevor with it. But, it decides to stop about 2 feet from the finish line. Trevor basically pulls the cow until its head is across and he was the proud owner (on lease for 1, and if he meets ALL requirements she will be his) of a young heifer! He named her Star (he said that was what he saw when he was run over! LOL)

Getting ready to watch Trevor in the Calf Scramble
Everyone is lined up and waiting on GO!
Star in her new home. Trevor goes and feeds her daily.
Of course Daddy Clyde wanted to go and see Trevor's new calf. I'm not sure who was prouder at this moment, Trevor or Daddy Clyde!
And Trent was and is Trevor's biggest fan. He cheered the loudest and likes to be right there with him when they go fed her.
That is Trevor underneath the cow. This was right before he was run over.