It seems like this picture was yesterday...
But you are growing oh so fast....

and you are still as cute as a button =)
I took cupcakes to your class today for your birthday!
What you are doing at this age:
*You LOVE going to 'school' and you love Ms. Sue Ann
*You favorite people to play with are Ethan, Ashton, Jamison, and Matt (and now Troy)
*You favorite people to play with are Ethan, Ashton, Jamison, and Matt (and now Troy)
*You love anything Thomas the Train, John Deere, and Spiderman,
*You love to play outside and anything to do with sports (you love any type of ball)
*Karlee, Emma, and Shelby are your 'girlfriends'
*You say you are NOT going to Kindergarden next year...
*Your favorite color is green
*You love your cousin 'weela' (Leila)
*You still love to sleep with me and daddy, but you sleep with Trevor EVERY night!
*You look up to Trevor and love to aggravate him.
*You are VERY protective of Sydney.
*You are very opinionated on how you look. You have to make sure your hair is fixed 'just' right
*You favorite food is 'basgetti' (spagetti) and steak.
*You love when it's just you and Nana (and you still curl up in her lap), you and pop-pop, or you and Uncle Ashley
*We love that you will still curl up in our laps and let us hold you
*You are wearing a 13 shoe and a 5/6 in shirts and jeans
*You weigh 49lbs
You are growing up so fast and getting so big, I absolutely LOVE this age.
Daddy and I love you so much! Hope that you have had a wonderful birthday!